The Mountain Aglow exhibition hosted by the Montserrat Volcano Observation (MVO) will be on display from March 10 th 2022 at the Montserrat Cultural Centre. This exhibit is one that is expected to depict how the Soufriere Hills Volcano’s eruption impacted on the island of Montserrat, whilst embracing the richness of Montserrat’s natural environment.
The “Mountain Aglow” is a project funded by a research grant from the UK Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) which is led by Prof Jenni Barclay (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK) and by Dr Karen Pascal, Ms. Kathleen Retourne of the Montserrat Volcano Observatory here on Montserrat. One of the main objectives of this project was to examine into how the local culture, the arts, combined with the expertise of those who have experienced a natural hazard such as a volcanic eruption, can help with volcanic risks awareness and preparedness, which ultimately will lead to recovery.
The exhibit uses photographs, drawings, interviews, songs or poetry excerpts, etc. which allows them to share and promote the scientific knowledge, including the knowledge and experiences from the population of their coping mechanism of how they managed to live with an erupting volcano.
The first “Mountain Aglow” exhibit premiered in Montserrat during the 2019 Alliouagana Literature Festival in November of 2019, at the Montserrat Cultural Centre. The exhibit has since been showcased around the island to include at the Montserrat National Museum, and the Montserrat Community College.