The Montserrat Secondary School hosted its 2022 Graduation Exercise July 6, 2022 under the theme -‘Through adversity and loss, like the Phoenix, we rise from the ashes’. There were 63 students who graduated as part of Class of 2022. The Feature address was delivered by Dr. Tiffannie Skeritt and the Principles address delivered by Mr. Toney Allen.
The graduation award for excellence in Mathematics was issued to Vashirn Roache, Excellence in Business went to Vashirn Roache, Outstanding leadership went to Waynette Fenton, Excellence in Humanities went to Waynette Fenton, Excellence in Business and IT went to Mikayla Cole and for the boy with Exemplary Conduct went to Jeremiah Collymore.
The valedictory address was given by Vashirn Roach and the vote of thanks by Ms. Waynette Fenton.
Congratulations to all of the graduates of Class of 2022.