Members of the public are invited to comment on the Draft
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Addendum for
the Montserrat Port Development Project in Little Bay. Discussions in
respect of the Addendum will be held on June 29, 2021 at the
Montserrat Cultural Centre, Little Bay at 7pm.
The draft ESIA addendum is in line with the Fourth Schedule of
Montserrat’s Physical Planning Act and the Caribbean Development
Bank’s (CDB’s) Environmental and Social Review Procedures (2014).
The ESIA Addendum is currently available for scrutiny and comments
at the following locations:
- The Montserrat Public Library (Hard copy)
- The Montserrat Port Authority (Hard copy)
- The Government of Montserrat website
Environmental-and-Social-Impact-Assessment-Addendum.pdf - The Ministry of Communication, Works, Labour and Energy
facebook page and - Government Information Unit Facebook page
You can be part of the discussions this evening by using this link:- (4)
Montserrat Port Development Project Town Hall Meeting – YouTube